How consumers buy window decorations in the Netherlands

Did you know that most Dutch consumers buy their window decoration online?

The Netherlands is one of the most progressive countries in Europe when it comes to internet. It is therefore not surprising that when looking for window decorations the first to consult the internet and get inspired. The online window decoration of the number of websites per head of the population is nowhere greater than in the Netherlands.

One of the most important websites in window decorations from the Netherlands.

What is the most popular window covering?

Window fashion is different all over the world. So it is in Europe. And then there is difference between the different countries. So is Germany a typical honeycomb shade country. Most windows are small what might make this choice more common. France is a roman blind country and so is Italy. Eastern Europe loves venetian blinds and roller blinds. In the Netherlands there are at least four different window decorations that come close. Wooden venetian blinds you see often.  Also the honycomb shade is chosen. But most popular are roller blinds en zebra blinds. These two dominate the market for some years now. In Holland the roman blind market is growing. So is the marktet for shades. The soft textile venetians give the light that enters the room a magical glance. It brings the atmosfhere in a room to life.

Ordering proces through the internet.

Dutch consumers look crtical at products and are aware of the dangers that come along with online shopping. A shop is checked out first. Then free samples are ordered to see if the coulor matches theire imagination and fit the interiour. Domotica becomes more and more important and is an unique selling point. After approval of the free fabric sample an order can be placed.  Big amounts are often paid by creditcard so what is bought is ensured. When done right, online shoppng can be a true relief.


Give your existing roller blinds a second life and contribute to the envirement.

The fabric is worn out, but hte system is still working. Thanks to:

To give a roller blind a second life does not sound that bad.
We live in a disposable society with the major retail chains in the lead. Take a look at a pre-packaged roller blind that hangs at the hardware store. The packaging appears to be more expensive than the fabric. Every roller blind has quite a lot of volume. For example, a sea container with roller blinds is largely filled with air. If you then look at what has been spent on energy before the roller blinds are in front of you, you are a little bit scared.

replace-roller-blind-fabric Thanks to:

Which roller blind fabrics are all available separately?

When you browse the internet, you will encounter few companies that will tailor the fabric for roller blinds. That was a bit disappointing. In the Netherlands and Belgium we came across two websites where you can have the fabric made to your own liking. From just cutting the fabric to the complete replacement of the fabric, complete with self-adhesive adhesive edge on the top and a beautiful edge finish on the bottom. That way you save money but you also contribute a bit to a better environment. The system gets a second life, you have to throw away less, pay less and you do not need to drill or screw again to hang the roller blind. If you add up to 50% with a saving, you will be a little bit cheerful.

Choose from transparent, semi transparent and blackout roller blind fabrics. Let them cut to size and stick the cloth on the tube of your existing system. Your roller blind is ready. It can now take another 5 to 10 years and your interiur really lives up to it.