Venetian blinds are very trendy. In Holland they call them ‘houten jaloezieën’.
What’s so special about venetian blinds? They are there for af few decades. Wooden blinds are very trendy in the Netherlands. This is mainly because the product has been properly evaluated and has gone with the times. Originally, the product was mainly produced in Asia, countries such as Indonesia with lots of hardwood and tropical woods were also part of the cradle of the wooden venetian blind. Complete container loads came to Europe and the discounters and do it yourself branch have made the product popular.
small sizes
In the beginning, only small sizes were shipped from Asia. After all, the container had to be fully loaded. Gradually the evaluation of the product made the production more profesional and the sizes originally up to 120 cm wide became larger. There were also various blade widths of which 25 and 50 mm are now the most popular. The width in which wooden blinds are custom-made nowadays is quickly 300 cm wide. In case of a wooden blind, make sure that the package weight is large and the raising of the blind can give problems, especially for people with little strength in their hands.
European Quality
Europe has very nice woods. In the past, these were dismissed as old-fashioned. Take for example the oak wood. It is one of the best and most beautiful woods in the world. The so-called mirrors in the wood are very special and the wood is alive. You can give different treatments such as brushing. You now know that oak blinds are growing rapidly. In addition, European trees are harvested responsibly. Read this interesting article about forrestry in the world. Because European production is handled responsibly with wood, the purchase of European wood species contributes to the environment. The wood also needs to travel a much shorter route to the end user. There is also a lot of environmental gain here. The most important thing for the consumer is that the oak blinds are particularly beautiful and an asset to any interior.